Drums Not Drugs
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An Inspiring Program for Young People

A Positive Approach to Prevention
Renowned percussionist and motivational speaker Michael Bayard offers to schools throughout Northern California "Drums Not Drugs", a celebration of healthy lifestyles through music and rhythm. Drums Not Drugs is an accessible and emotionally uplifting program for students of all ages.

An Inspiring Program for Young People
Michael Bayard has reached more than 500,000 students through more than 900 performances of Rhythm Magic! and Drums Not Drugs during the past seven years. His own healthy lifestyle represents a wonderful role model for students, and his talent and accessibility inspire students of all ages.

Michael Bayard, A Role Model for Students
Without lecturing or stressing the negative effects of addiction, Mr. Bayard demonstrates the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The program builds self-esteem and a productive outlook on life through student interaction, understanding different cultures and building positive character traits such as personal responsibility.
“On behalf of Aldea Children and Family Services, I would like to thank you for your marvelous performance attended by Aldea School and ADAPT students. "Drums Not Drugs" was extremely well done, and benefited our students. We are grateful for your energy and expertise. Severely emotionally disturbed and psychiatrically disordered adolescents are sometimes difficult to reach. Your performance worked its magic! Thank you for all you do.”
Nancy Levenberg, Director of DevelopmentAldea Children and Family Service
Your 'Drums Not Drugs' program this morning was dynamic and exciting for the students. Your program was highly integrated. It taught the children about communication and listening skills. It also showed the importance of music as it relates to the remainder of the curriculum – specifically math, science, imagination, and social behavior. Your message of 'harmony' – inside and outside of the body - was brilliantly woven into the program. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for providing this wonderful cultural experience to so many children.”
Jean M. Willoughby, PrincipalPhoebe Hearst Elementary School
“My students and I would like to thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with us. I think it was obvious I enjoyed your program thoroughly. But, more importantly, my students enjoyed it too. And they learned from it. One of the boys in my class who usually is a non-participant was totally engaged and hasn’t stopped tapping rhythms since. All the children you touch with your time and talents benefit. I thank you.
Maria Brugger, TeacherIndian Creek Elementary School
“Thanks so much for your fabulous performance at our school today. Our teachers were very impressed at how you related to the students and the control you had during the performance. The students were well behaved because you made it so interesting. Your anti- drug message was woven in to your program very creatively, and the students truly absorbed the important message of healthy lifestyle. Again, thank you and keep it up. This is exactly what we need in our schools today. Kids need an inspiration, and I believe you are just that.”
Sarita Turner, Dropout Prevention and Outreach ConsultantPeter Burnett School
“Thank you for bringing your 'Drums Not Drugs' program to our school today. Your valuable message for healthy lives was presented in a way that stressed multicultural fun and teambuilding. We loved it.”
David Johnson, TeacherAmerican Legion High School
“I wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed your presentation. Your program was truly inspiring. That sort of thing is so important to expose the children to, especially ours. Some of our kids start school unable to speak any English and they rarely even make it to town, let alone any musical performances. You have given them a vision of what is possible if they truly want to work for it. You talent is simply incredible. Thank you.”
Carol Galland, PTONord Elementary School
“I will never forget what you said about alcohol and I will never do drugs.”
Kevin, 2nd grade
“Your 'Drums Not Drugs' assembly program was brilliantly performed and the message of healthy lifestyle was important and meaningful to our students. As the principal, I appreciated how you conveyed that communication, teamwork, and dedication is important in everything we do. The assembly was fun, and the message was outstanding!”
JoAnne Stewart, PrincipalLas Palmas Elementary School