Rhythm: -Our World is on a Pulse-
Starting from a simple heart beat, taken at the moment, Mr. Bayard establishes a basic beat and tempo and builds a tapestry of rhythmic complexity-with decidedly rock and roll overtones.

Percussion: -A World of Color-
Mr. Bayard explores, explains, and displays the different colors (timbres) common within the percussion ensemble.

Percussion Ensemble: -A World in Harmony-
Students are asked to join Mr. Bayard in a hands-on-demonstration. Students come up one by one, and each is taught a short rhythmic phrase on a percussion instrument. Eventually an entire ensemble evolves, with the students respecting each other, supporting each other, and working as a team.
Benefits from Michael Bayard's Rhythm Magic® are numerous:

``Our World Is on a Pulse``
Teaches an awareness that we are surrounded by rhythm. It can be found in our own heart beat, pulsating waves and tides of the ocean, the changing of the seasons, and the rotation of the Earth that brings us day and night. Everything has rhythm at its core.

``A World of Color``
Begins with the fundamental categories of percussion instruments: wood, metal, and skin. This is followed by examining the individuality of each instrument. The important concepts stressed are the sensitivity, refinement, ethnicity, and beauty inherent in each percussion instrument. Your students will learn that these instruments can be played with delicate nuance, not just in a loud and aggressive manner.

``A World in Harmony``
Teaches students to work together and listen to each other in harmony. This form of teamwork is the fundamental principle behind ensemble playing. This segment is invaluable in developing students’ focus and concentration, and teaches an appreciation of how their own part relates to those of others in the ensemble.

Has performed in the following school districts throughout the Western United States since 1994:
Eastmont, Douglas County, WA-
El Nido Elementary, Merced County, CA-
Elk Grove Unified, Sacramento County, CA-
Empire Union, Stanislaus County, CA-
Enumclaw, King County, WA-
Esparto Unified, Yolo County, CA-
Eureka Union Elementary, Placer County, CA-
Fairfield-Suisun Unified, Solano County, CA-
Fall River Joint Unified, Shasta County, CA-
Federal Way, King County, WA-
Flournoy Union Elementary, Tehama County, CA-
Folsom-Cordova Unified, Sacramento County, CA-
Fort Bragg Unified, Mendocino County, CA-
Fremont Unified, Alameda County, CA-
Galt Joint Union Ele., Sacramento County, CA-
Gateway Unified, Shasta County, CA-
Gold Oak Union, El Dorado County, CA-
Gold Trail Union, El Dorado County, CA-
Grant Elementary, Shasta County-
Grass Valley Elementary, Nevada County, CA-
Gridley Unified, Butte County, CA-
Gridley Union, Butte County, CA-
Calaveras Unified, Calaveras County, CA-
Calistoga Joint Unified, Napa County, CA-
Castle Rock Union Elementary, Shasta County, CA-
Center Unified, Sacramento County, CA-
Ceres Unified, Stanislaus County, CA-
Chawanakee Joint Unified, Madera County, CA-
Chico Unified, Butte County, CA-
Chowchilla Elementary, Madera County, CA-
Clover Park, Pierce County, WA-
Colfax Elementary, Placer County, CA-
Columbia Elementary, Shasta County, CA-
Colusa Unified, Colusa County, CA-
Corning Union Elementary, Tehama County, CA-
Cottonwood Union Elementary, Shasta County, CA-
Curtis Creek Elementary, Tuolumne County, CA-
Davis Joint Unified, Yolo County, CA-
Del Norte County Unified, Del Norte County, CA-
Del Paso Heights Ele., Sacramento County, CA-
Delhi Unified, Merced County, CA-
Dos Palos Oro-Loma Joint Unified, Merced County, CA-
Dry Creek Joint Elementary, Placer County, CA-
Durham Unified, Butte County, CA-
Ackerman Elementary, Placer County, CA-
Alum Rock Union, Santa Clara County, CA-
Alview-Dairyland Union Ele., Madera County, CA-
Amador County Unified, Amador County, CA-
Antelope Elementary, Tehama County, CA-
Arcohe Union Elementary, Sacramento County, CA-
Atwater Elementary, Merced County, CA-
Auburn, King County, WA-
Auburn Union Elementary, Placer County, CA-
Banta Elementary, San Joaquin County, CA-
Bass Lake Joint Union Ele., Madera County, CA-
Bellflower Unified, Los Angeles County, CA-
Bella Vista Elementary, Shasta County, CA-
Bellevue, King County, WA-
Bend Elementary, Tehama County, CA-
Bethel, Pierce County, WA-
Biggs Unified, Butte County, CA-
Black Butte Union Ele., Shasta County, CA-
Black Oak Mine Unified, El Dorado County, CA-
Bremerton, Kitsap County, WA-
Buckeye Union Elementary, El Dorado County, CA-
Burlingame Elementary, San Mateo County, CA-